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Pre-Enrolment Digital Literacy Checklist
Personal Details
Basic Computer Skills
How confident are you in turning on, shutting down, and performing basic troubleshooting on a computer?
Extremely Confident: I am very experienced and can perform this task with ease and efficiency.
Very Confident: I can perform this task independently but may not be an expert.
Moderately Confident: I am somewhat comfortable with this task but might need occasional help.
Slightly Confident: I have some basic understanding but lack confidence and require further guidance.
Not Confident: I have little to no experience with this task and would need significant training and support.
Rate your confidence in creating, saving, moving, and deleting files and folders, and organizing them for easy access.
Extremely Confident: I am very experienced and can perform this task with ease and efficiency.
Very Confident: I can perform this task independently but may not be an expert.
Moderately Confident: I am somewhat comfortable with this task but might need occasional help.
Slightly Confident: I have some basic understanding but lack confidence and require further guidance.
Not Confident: I have little to no experience with this task and would need significant training and support.
Internet Navigation and Research
How confident are you in navigating the internet using a web browser and effectively using search engines for research?
Extremely Confident: I am very experienced and can perform this task with ease and efficiency.
Very Confident: I can perform this task independently but may not be an expert.
Moderately Confident: I am somewhat comfortable with this task but might need occasional help.
Slightly Confident: I have some basic understanding but lack confidence and require further guidance.
Not Confident: I have little to no experience with this task and would need significant training and support.
Assess your confidence in understanding and applying basic internet safety practices.
Extremely Confident: I am very experienced and can perform this task with ease and efficiency.
Very Confident: I can perform this task independently but may not be an expert.
Moderately Confident: I am somewhat comfortable with this task but might need occasional help.
Slightly Confident: I have some basic understanding but lack confidence and require further guidance.
Not Confident: I have little to no experience with this task and would need significant training and support.
Online Communication and Collaboration Skills
How would you rate your confidence in sending, receiving, organizing, and replying to emails, including knowledge of email etiquette?
Extremely Confident: I am very experienced and can perform this task with ease and efficiency.
Very Confident: I can perform this task independently but may not be an expert.
Moderately Confident: I am somewhat comfortable with this task but might need occasional help.
Slightly Confident: I have some basic understanding but lack confidence and require further guidance.
Not Confident: I have little to no experience with this task and would need significant training and support.
How confident are you in using online communication platforms for virtual classes, including joining and hosting meetings?
Extremely Confident: I am very experienced and can perform this task with ease and efficiency.
Very Confident: I can perform this task independently but may not be an expert.
Moderately Confident: I am somewhat comfortable with this task but might need occasional help.
Slightly Confident: I have some basic understanding but lack confidence and require further guidance.
Not Confident: I have little to no experience with this task and would need significant training and support.
Assess your familiarity and confidence with using online collaboration tools for file sharing and collaborative work.
Extremely Confident: I am very experienced and can perform this task with ease and efficiency.
Very Confident: I can perform this task independently but may not be an expert.
Moderately Confident: I am somewhat comfortable with this task but might need occasional help.
Slightly Confident: I have some basic understanding but lack confidence and require further guidance.
Not Confident: I have little to no experience with this task and would need significant training and support.
Productivity Software Proficiency
How confident are you in creating, editing, and formatting documents in a word processor, and in converting between different document formats?
Extremely Confident: I am very experienced and can perform this task with ease and efficiency.
Very Confident: I can perform this task independently but may not be an expert.
Moderately Confident: I am somewhat comfortable with this task but might need occasional help.
Slightly Confident: I have some basic understanding but lack confidence and require further guidance.
Not Confident: I have little to no experience with this task and would need significant training and support.
Assess your level of confidence in using spreadsheet software for data entry, basic formulas, and creating charts.
Extremely Confident: I am very experienced and can perform this task with ease and efficiency.
Very Confident: I can perform this task independently but may not be an expert.
Moderately Confident: I am somewhat comfortable with this task but might need occasional help.
Slightly Confident: I have some basic understanding but lack confidence and require further guidance.
Not Confident: I have little to no experience with this task and would need significant training and support.
Rate your confidence in creating presentations, including design, inserting multimedia, and basic animations.
Extremely Confident: I am very experienced and can perform this task with ease and efficiency.
Very Confident: I can perform this task independently but may not be an expert.
Moderately Confident: I am somewhat comfortable with this task but might need occasional help.
Slightly Confident: I have some basic understanding but lack confidence and require further guidance.
Not Confident: I have little to no experience with this task and would need significant training and support.
Self-Assessment Summary
Considering all the areas above, how confident do you feel about your overall digital literacy?
Highly Confident: I am very confident in my digital literacy skills across all areas.
Confident: I feel confident in my digital literacy skills but may have a few areas to improve.
Moderately Confident: I am comfortable with most tasks but may need help in specific areas.
Somewhat Unconfident: I have some basic skills but lack overall confidence and would require additional learning and support.
Not Confident at All: I feel very unsure about my digital literacy skills and would need comprehensive training and support.
Are there any specific areas where you feel less confident and might need additional support or training?
I give permission for the information from my digital literacy checklist to be used for the purposes described below.
The purpose of using this information is to assess your digital literacy needs and to customise the support we provide to enhance your learning experience.
Details of Information Use:
* The information from your digital literacy checklist will be used solely for the purpose of assessing your digital literacy skills.
* Your information will help us tailor support services, such as workshops, tutorials, or resources, to better meet your needs.
* All information will be treated confidentially and will only be accessible to relevant staff involved in providing support services.
I understand that my information will be kept confidential and used only for the purpose of enhancing my learning experience.
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